

  • 申请前要考虑的重要因素


    Expenses related to professional programs are often higher than programs not associated with health care disciplines. Therefore, program costs should be considered as part of the decision making process.

  • 牙科诊所观察/经验

    如果申请人之前没有在牙科领域工作的经验, eight hours of observation in a dental office must be completed before application is submitted. (必须提供文件).

  • 作为病人的学生

    在两年的口腔卫生课程中, 学生被要求成为学生伴侣的“病人”. Student partners practice dental hygiene procedures and pain control methods on each other.

  • 乳胶过敏或敏感性与累积性创伤障碍

    Individuals who have a latex allergy/sensitivity or a cumulative trauma disorder (such as carpal tunnel syndrome, 胸廓出口综合征, 肌腱炎, 肱骨外上髁炎, 等.) should discuss the implications of these conditions with a physician and a dental hygiene faculty member. The severity of these conditions may adversely impact the individual’s performance in the program and upon graduation, 口腔卫生:牙齿卫生的实践. Careful consideration of these conditions is imperative to a career in dental hygiene.

  • 病人招聘

    Students have specific patient cases that are required throughout the curriculum. 这个部门将通过广告招揽病人, 临床召回制度, and other mechanisms; however, it is ultimately the student’s responsibility to recruit patients to fulfill required cases.

  • 学习障碍

    It is important to contact a Center for Student Success professional prior to the start of the semester in order to receive accommodations in a timely manner. While we will make every effort to coordinate accommodations in a timely manner, failure to self-identify prior to the start of the semester may delay notification to instructors and timeliness of acquiring accommodations. 住宿费用不会自动转到下学期.

  • 歧视政策

    Please use the following link to learn more about the 杰克逊的大学 Policy on Non-Discrimination:

  • 课程可转移性

    课程 taken by the student in the dental hygiene program are transferable to various college and university educational institutions. While in the program the student will be presented with completion of bachelor degree articulation at several institutions. Opportunities for completion of a bachelor’s degree at other colleges or universities, 并在与健康相关的研究领域与学生进行讨论.

  • 免疫接种

    根据疾病控制中心(CDC), 所有卫生保健人员(HCP)必须出示麻疹免疫证据, 流行性腮腺炎, 风疹和水痘. 除了, due to the potential exposure to blood or bodily fluids and risks related to direct patient contact, the CDC recommends that HCP protect themselves with vaccinations against Hepatitis B and Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis and be screened for Tuberculosis. 杰克逊的大学 students must provide documentation of compliance with the CDC Healthcare Personnel Recommendations.


    As a condition of admission and progression within the program all dental hygiene students must have verification from a licensed health care provider of the following:

    • 结核菌素2步皮肤试验阴性或胸片阴性, 或QuantiFERON金血试验阴性. 一步结核菌素皮肤试验必须每年更新.
    • 下列疾病的免疫或免疫证明:
      • 风疹(德国麻疹);
      • 麻疹(硬麻疹);
      • 腮腺炎
      • 水痘(水痘);
      • 白喉、破伤风、百日咳(破伤风白喉百日咳混合疫苗)
      • 乙型肝炎疫苗系列



    • 每年注射流感疫苗
    • COVID-19疫苗
  • 环境条件/标准预防措施/传染病政策

    Upon acceptance into the 口腔卫生 Program students will be notified regarding a mandatory online OSHA Blood-Borne Pathogen and Standard Precautions training session. 这必须在课程开始前完成.

    The charter of OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) is to prevent work-related injuries, 疾病, 和死亡. 自1971年OSHA成立以来, work-related deaths have decreased by approximately 62% and work- related injuries have decreased by 42%.

    As a 口腔卫生 student you can expect exposure to blood, body tissues and fluids. 有潜在的电气危险暴露, 危险废物, 辐射, 有毒物质, 化学物质, 大声或不愉快的噪音和高度紧张的紧急情况. Students enrolled in the 口腔卫生 Program are at a slight risk for exposure to blood and body fluids and the potential does exist for transmission of blood-borne and other infectious diseases during patient care activities. The risk of HIV disease transmission from dental patients to members of the dental team are extremely low. 然而,这种情况还是有可能发生的. The Americans with Disabilities Act forbids discrimination against patients with HIV; therefore, 学生被要求治疗所有指定的病人, 不管病人的病情如何.

    Applicants/students who are HIV/AIDS or HBV (Hepatitis) positive will not be barred from attending classes or clinic or participating in college sponsored activities, 除非申请人/学生不能遵循*标准注意事项. 所有决定将根据具体情况作出. (*Standard Precautions are defined as: Consideration of all patients as being infected with pathogens and therefore applying infection control procedures to the care of all patients.)